سفالگری فلزکاری نگارگری کاشی‌کاری آبگینه فرش بافی معماری

institute of Islamic Art studied

The first specialized institute of Islamic art in Iran

The Institute for Islamic Art Studies has been active in the field of Islamic art since 1999.


The first specialized publication in the field of printing books on the subject of Islamic art since 2001.


The first specialized Journal in the field of Islamic art since 2003


The first specialized conference on the topic of Islamic art in 2000

Efforts to expand the concept of Islamic art in today's Iranian society

Affiliated companies

institute of Islamic Art studied

Established in 1999, publications, periodicals, organizing specialized conferences

Lajevard Kaboodan Cooperative

Established in 2009, producing works of Islamic art

Negara Islamic Art Research Center

Established in 2009, specialized research and studies in Islamic art

Ganjineh Institute of Higher Education in Art and Architecture

Established in 2012, the only non-profit art university in western Iran

Naqshmayeh School of Visual Arts

Established in 2014, Specialized School of Art Techniques

Kimiagaran Naghsh Advertising and Promotion Center

Established in 2014, promotional gift services and design

Books published
Journals published
Conferences held
Articles published

About us

The Institute for Islamic Art Studies is a research institute that has been able to take significant steps in achieving its goals (developing and expanding research, publishing, as well as educational and promotional activities in the field of Iranian-Islamic art since 2004). Publishing more than 35 art books and periodicals focusing on Iranian-Islamic art, holding art classes and workshops, launching the scientific-research journal Islamic Art Studies since 2003, holding two national conferences in 2012 and 2014, and completing more than 70 research project contracts with reputable scientific centers are among the achievements of this cultural and artistic institute.

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Latest works

Cultural Design, Packaging Design inspired by iranian-islamic Motifs

Moldded Pottery of Seljuk era

Architecture in the Islamic world

The Mirage of Islamic Art

The Art of Shia Al Buiid

Inscriptions of the Holy Shrine of Imam Reza (pbuh)

جلد کتاب هنر دوران قاجار

Art of Qajar period

جلد کتاب گل و مرغ

Identifying the Concepts and Pictorial Origins of Gol o Morgh (the bird and the flower) in Contemporary Iranian Typography

جلد کتاب مساجد جامع

Inscription Decorations of Iranian Jame Mosques

You couldn't be in better hands.

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mansoor rahimi


design 95%
Web Developer 80%


iOS Developer

iOS eco 100%
Android os 89%


UX Designer

UI & UX 93%
Data Analyse 76%

Contact us

You can easily contact us. We have the exact address of the institution, contact phone numbers, email address and an online contact form for you to share your questions, suggestions or requests with us. You can also follow us through our social networks and be informed about the latest news and activities. We look forward to your message!

Tehran Office

Tarbiat Modares University
Tel: 02182833

Best Reviews

Philosophers' point of view

Beauty, splendor, and adornment in something are the emergence of its superior being and its achievement of ultimate perfection.

Iranian philosopher

Islamic art is a manifestation of transcendent wisdom and a way to understand philosophical and mystical truths.

Mulla Sadra
Iranian philosopher

Islamic art is the manifestation of spiritual truths in the material world and a way to connect to the world of heaven.

Iranian philosopher

Islamic art: a new look at life

Islamic art, with its abstract beauty, geometric patterns, and calligraphic calligraphy, not only caresses the eyes, but also guides the soul towards transcendence and divine truth.